Moldova, Proiectul de dezvoltare a Sistemului Electroenergetic
Specific Procurement Notice
Request for Bids
Design, Supply and Installation
(Two-envelope Bidding Process, Without Prequalification)
Employer: Moldova Energy Projects Implementation Unit
Project: Moldova Power System Development Project
Contract title: Extension of 400 kV Vulcanesti Substation
Country: Republic of Moldova
Credit No.: 6380-MD
RFB No: 6380-A3.1
Issued on: May 29, 2024
1. The Republic of Moldova has received financing from the World Bank toward the cost of the Moldova Power System Development Project (Project), and intends to apply part of the proceeds toward payments under the Contract for Extension of 400 kV Vulcanesti Substation. For this contract, the Borrower shall process the payments using the Direct Payment disbursement method, as defined in the World Bank’s Disbursement Guidelines for Investment Project Financing, except for those payments, which the contract provides to be made through letter of credit.
2. The Moldova Energy Projects Implementation Unit (MEPIU) now invites sealed Bids from eligible Bidders for Plant Design Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning for Extension of 400 kV Vulcanesti Substation. The existing Vulcanesti substation includes circuits at voltage levels of 400 kV, 110 kV and 35 kV. The Substation extension is necessary to accommodate the new 400 kV OHTL to be constructed within the Project. To allow the connection of the new 400 kV OHTL to Vulcanesti SS, it is necessary to install fully equipped and integrated facilities that are ready for operation, including (but not limited to):
— one new 400kV bay for OHTL 400 kV Vulcanesti - Chisinau, including interfaces related to telecommunication, protection and control.
— one new set of teleprotections for OHTL 400 kV Vulcanesti - Chisinau, including both ends of the line.
The construction period is estimated to 16 months from the contract signing.
3. Bidding will be conducted through international competitive procurement using a Request for Bids (RFB) as specified in the World Bank’s “Procurement Regulations for IPF Borrowers” dated July 2016, revised November 2017 and August 2018 (“Procurement Regulations”), and is open to all eligible Bidders as defined in the Procurement Regulations.
4. Interested eligible Bidders may obtain further information from MEPIU and inspect the bidding document during the office hours from 09:00 to 17:00 local time at the address given below.
5. The bidding document in the English language may be purchased by interested eligible Bidders upon the submission of a written application to the address below and upon payment of a nonrefundable fee of Moldovan Lei 2,500.00 (two thousand five hundred MDL, 00 bani), in the case of collection from the MEPIU office at the address stated below, or EUR 250.00 (two hundred fifty Euro, 00 eurocents) net of bank charges, in the case of courier delivery, or EUR 50.00 (fifty Euro, 00 eurocents) net of bank charges, in the case of distribution electronically. A Proof of payment, in form of a SWIFT payment confirmation, shall be presented physically or through email, for delivery of the Bidding Document. The method of payment in both cases, will be by bank transfer to one of the accounts listed below:
For Moldovan Lei: Beneficiary: MF- TR Chisinau - bugetul de stat UCIPE Fiscal Code: 1023601000072 Beneficiary Bank: Ministerul Finantelor – Trezoreria de stat IBAN: MD44TRPIAA145150E16649AA SWIFT Code: TREZMD2X |
For Euro: Beneficiary: MF – TR Chisinau – bugetul de stat UCIPE Beneficiary Bank: National Bank of Moldova, Chisinau, Moldova Republic Of Fiscal Code: 1023601000072 IBAN: MD28NBPBFR145150E16649AA SWIFT Code: NBMDMD2X Intermediary bank: De Nederlandsche Bank N.V., Amsterdam, Netherlands IBAN: NL90FLOR0600126226 SWIFT Code: FLORNL2ACAC |
6. Bids must be delivered to the address below on or before 11:00 a.m. local time, August 21, 2024. Electronic bidding will not be permitted. Late Bids will be rejected. The outer Bid envelopes marked “ORIGINAL BID”, and the inner envelopes marked “TECHNICAL PART” will be publicly opened in the presence of the Bidders’ designated representatives and anyone who chooses to attend, at the address below on 11:00 a.m. local time, August 21, 2024. All envelopes marked “FINANCIAL PART” shall remain unopened and will be held in safe custody of the Employer until the second public Bid opening.
7. All Bids must be accompanied by a Bid Security of EUR 80,000.00 (eighty thousand Euro, 00 eurocents).
8. Attention is drawn to the Procurement Regulations requiring the Borrower to disclose information on the successful bidder’s beneficial ownership, as part of the Contract Award Notice, using the Beneficial Ownership Disclosure Form as included in the bidding document.
9. The address referred to above is:
To: Moldova Energy Projects Implementation Unit
Power System Development Project
Attn: Mr. Ruslan Surugiu, Acting Director
Address: 1, Alecu Russo Street, Block A1
Floor/ Office number: Sixteenth (16th) floor, office 163
City: Chisinau
ZIP/Postal Code: MD-2068
Country: Republic of Moldova
Tel.: (+373 22) 49 67 90
Country: Republic of Moldova
Project: Power System Development Project
Credits Nos.: 6380-MD and 6381-MD
Assignment Title: Elaboration of design for the Construction of a New Headquarter (HQ) building for ME, including Central Dispatch Center
Reference No. (as per Procurement Plan): RFP no. 6380-A4.1
The Republic of Moldova has received financing from the World Bank toward the cost of the Power System Development Project (PSDP), and intends to apply part of the proceeds for consulting services.
The consulting services (“the Services”) cover the Elaboration of design for the Construction of a New Headquarter building for ME, including a Central Dispatch Center to the MEPIU (Client, Implementing Agency) and the State Enterprise Moldelectrica (Beneficiary, the National Transmission System Operator). The Contract is expected to be signed in the third quarter of 2024. The period of execution of the Contract is estimated up to 12 months for the phase of design elaboration, with the possibility of its extension for the second phase to cover the authorship supervision of construction works for a new headquarter building.
The detailed Terms of Reference (TOR) for the assignment can be found at the following websites: and, or can be obtained at the e-mail given below.
The Moldova Energy Projects Implementation Unit (MEPIU) now invites eligible consulting firms (Consultants) to indicate their interest in providing the Services. Interested Consultants should provide information demonstrating that they have the required qualifications and relevant experience to perform the Services.
The shortlisting criteria are:
(i) General Experience under contracts in consultancy services on design/civil engineering for at least seven (7) years prior to the applications submission deadline;
(ii) Specific work experience in the last seven (7) years:
- at least 1 assignment in elaboration of detailed technical design for construction of buildings with a value equivalent to at least 160,000 euro completed either alone or as a lead member of a JV with a minimum participation of 50%;
- at least 2 assignments in design of multi-storey (at least 4 storeys) buildings for offices with increased energy efficiency including same related compartments as listed in expected deliverables - successfully (100% except for author’s supervision, if applicable) completed either alone or as a lead member of a JV with a minimum participation of 50%.
As a proof of compliance with the above requirements, the Consultant shall provide a signed and stamped list of related contracts, incl. amounts, brief description of the assignment, contacts for reference check, pictures (photos with date and place), copy of the main contract pages and letter of acceptance or reference letter from the client.
Key Experts will not be evaluated at the shortlisting stage.
The attention of interested Consultants is drawn to Section III, paragraphs, 3.14, 3.16, and 3.17 of the World Bank’s “Procurement Regulations for IPF Borrowers” July 2016, revised November 2017 and August 2018 (“Procurement Regulations”), setting forth the World Bank’s policy on conflict of interest.
Consultants may associate with other firms to enhance their qualifications, but should indicate clearly whether the association is in the form of a joint venture and/or a sub-consultancy. In the case of a joint venture, all the partners in the joint venture shall be jointly and severally liable for the entire contract, if selected.
A Consultant will be selected in accordance with the Consultant Qualification method set out in the Procurement Regulations.
Further information can be obtained at the address below during office hours 8:30 to 17:00 local time in the Republic of Moldova.
Expressions of interest must be delivered in a written form to the address below (in person, or by mail, or by e-mail) by May 20, 2024, 17:00 local time.
Moldova Energy Projects Implementation Unit
Attn.: Ruslan Surugiu, MEPIU Interim Director
1, Alecu Russo Street, Block A1
Floor/Room number: sixteenth (16th) floor, office 163
Chişinău, MD-2068, Republic of Moldova
Tel./Fax: (+373 22) 49 67 90
Country: Republic of Moldova
Project: Power System Development Project
Credits Nos.: 6380-MD and 6381-MD
Assignment Title: Consulting Services for development of Technical Specifications and support during proposals evaluation for MMS
Reference No. (as per Procurement Plan): RFP no. 6380-A8.1
The Republic of Moldova has received financing from the World Bank toward the cost of the Power System Development Project (PSDP), and intends to apply part of the proceeds for consulting services.
The consulting services (“the Services”) include the preparation of Procurement Documents and provision of support for proposals evaluation for upgrade of Moldelectrica’s MMS system to the MEPIU (Client, Implementing Agency) and the State Enterprise Moldelectrica (Beneficiary, the National Transmission System Operator). The Contract is expected to be signed in the first quarter of 2024. The period of execution of the contract is estimated up to 6 months (estimated period for the preparation of the draft procurement documents – up to 4 months from contract effectiveness date).
The detailed Terms of Reference (TOR) for the assignment can be found at the following websites: and, or can be obtained at the e-mail given below.
The Moldova Energy Projects Implementation Unit (MEPIU) now invites eligible consulting firms (Consultants) to indicate their interest in providing the Services. Interested Consultants should provide information demonstrating that they have the required qualifications and relevant experience to perform the Services.
The shortlisting criteria are: (i) General Experience under contracts in consultancy services on electricity transmission sector for at least ten (10) years prior to the applications submission deadline; (ii) specific work experience in the last ten (10) years on at least three (3) contracts of similar nature and complexity for development of technical specification for MMS and support in respective bids/proposals evaluation, with knowledge and practical experience related to international procurement practices.
Experience in MMS system integration in major electrical utilities, or transmission services operators, or reliability coordinators would be an advantage.
Key Experts will not be evaluated at the shortlisting stage.
The attention of interested Consultants is drawn to Section III, paragraphs, 3.14, 3.16, and 3.17 of the World Bank’s “Procurement Regulations for IPF Borrowers” July 2016, revised November 2017 and August 2018 (“Procurement Regulations”), setting forth the World Bank’s policy on conflict of interest.
Consultants may associate with other firms to enhance their qualifications, but should indicate clearly whether the association is in the form of a joint venture and/or a sub-consultancy. In the case of a joint venture, all the partners in the joint venture shall be jointly and severally liable for the entire contract, if selected.
A Consultant will be selected in accordance with the Consultant Qualification method set out in the Procurement Regulations.
Further information can be obtained at the address below during office hours 8:30 to 17:00 local time in the Republic of Moldova.
Expressions of interest must be delivered in a written form to the address below (in person, or by mail, or by e-mail) by December 12, 2023, 17:00 local time.
Moldova Energy Projects Implementation Unit
Attn.: Ruslan Surugiu, MEPIU Interim Director
1, Alecu Russo Street, Block A1
Floor/Room number: sixteenth (16th) floor, office 163
Chişinău, MD-2068, Republic of Moldova
Tel./Fax: (+373 22) 49 67 90
Terms of Reference
Consulting Services for development of Technical Specifications and support during proposals evaluation for MMS
A. Background
Moldova’s transmission network consists of 5,978 km of transmission lines and is operated synchronously with the European Network Transmission System Operators for Electricity (ENSTO-E). The transmission networks of Moldova and Ukraine were designed, built and operated as an integrated system during the Soviet era. They are operated technically as one synchronized power system and are mutually dependent, though SE Moldelectrica (Moldovan Transmission Line Operator) and NPC Ukrenergo (Ukrainian TSO) operate their own systems within the countries’ geographical boundaries. Interconnections with Ukrainian power system include 12 lines of 110 kV and 7 lines of 330 kV. In fact, the Moldovan system is technically a component of a larger loop within the Ukrainian transmission system. The Ukrainian electricity flowing into the Moldovan transmission system ensures the latter’s balancing and frequency control even when no electricity imports are contracted from Ukraine. Ukraine itself used to depend on Russia for the primary frequency control. Due to the outburst of the armed conflict in the region in February of 2022, the synchronization of Moldova and Ukraine systems with ENTSO-E happened on March 16, 2022 which has been followed by the start of commercial exchanges of electricity in June 2022. As for a connection with Romanian power system, which is part of the ENTSO-E, there are four 110 kV overhead lines which are inactive and one 400 kV transmission line that currently is in operation.
SE Moldelectrica’s mission is to contribute to the stable development of the Moldovan Power Industry and to maintain the reliability of the country’s power system and transmission power grid. Moldelectrica is performing the following functions in the energy sector of Moldova:
• Carries out maintenance, modernization, rehabilitation and extension of electricity transmission network;
• Overseas the reliable operation of the Moldovan power system and ensures its power quality;
• Monitors the technical condition of electricity installations, including investigations of breaches affecting the reliability of the system;
• Manages power flows of transmission networks;
• Participates in maintaining the parallel electrical operation with Ukraine and ENTSO-E.
Moldelectrica’s transmission and sub-transmission networks comprise 35 kV, 110 kV, 330 kV and 400 kV voltage classes. The peak system load is about 1200 MW. The interchange tie lines with Ukraine are used mainly for energy imports.
At present, Moldelectrica operates one Main Dispatching Center located in Chisinau (Moldelectrica Headquarters), 4 regional dispatch centers located in Vatra (Central Region), in Balti (North), in Donduseni (North-West), in Comrat (South) and 14 local regional dispatching centers.
Except Moldelectrica’s own limited Optical Ground Wire (OPGW) network, most of the existing telecommunication’s media is based on the leased fiber optics from the local telecom operator. No upgrades and/or modifications of the telecom network are envisaged in the scope of this project.
There are cca 1500 Landis&Gyr Meters connected to existing Meter Management System (MMS) and collected based on DLMS protocol.
Moldelectrica currently collects data from about 1500 transmission system meters every day and it is expected that the number of meters will increase up to 5000 devices in coming 5-7 years. The metering data is exchanged with external partners once a day and exported to various external systems. Most of the metering data is collected via Moldelectrica’s telecommunication system, but about 100 metering devices provide information via cellular GSM communication. The current metering system archive is sized to store 5-year information for all collected metering data.
The existing Moldelectrica’ s Metering System is getting obsolete and requires a complete replacement with the new system based on modern technologies, user and application interfaces. The following Metering System functionality is used for operations and needs to be replaced with more advanced metering applications:
• Data collection, exchange and maintenance management.
• Daily data collection based on IEC 62056 Device Language Message Specification (DLMS);
• Data exchange with partners (at least XML formats used within the ENTSO-E);
• Data export/import;
• Data storage (based on commonly used databases);
• Manual data entry for legacy meters;
• Information viewing;
• User access management;
• Asset management, which encompasses archive of all meters’ characteristics and running of technical maintenance planning for meters’ testing, repairs, and replacements;
• API for business application interface;
• Tools for automated data exchange, validation (including custom criteria) and reporting.
• Technical data analysis and calculations.
• User defined calculations;
• Calculation of technical losses;
• Calculation of power system efficiency.
• Commercial data analysis and calculations.
• User defined calculations;
• Calculation of energy balances (total, branches, partners, interchanges, power plants, etc.).
The World Bank Group has supported the development of the energy sector in Moldova through a combination of investments, policy lending, technical assistance, and guarantee operations, and is well placed to continue financing priority investments in the electricity transmission network based on the successful results of Energy I (P008555) and Energy II (P040558) Projects, and assist in increasing the institutional capacity of the Moldovan transmission system operator. State enterprise "Moldelectrica" (“Moldelectrica or ME”) is a transmission system operator specializing in the electricity transport and centralized operative dispatching services of the Moldovan power system, and ME is responsible for the ultimate delivery of the project tasks. In its activity, SE “Moldelectrica” as the Transmission System Operator overseas two main task groups: electricity transport and the implementation of a single operational-technological management of the Moldovan power system. The transmission of electricity is carried out in strict accordance with the conditions of relevant licenses, relevant legal provisions, electricity market rules and technical standards of transmission networks.
The Power System Development Project (PSDP, “the Project”) is supporting the GoM’s overall interconnection program. The improved interconnection will substantially enhance security of supply by diversifying the supply mix and creating conditions for market competition in Moldova. Improving the interconnection requires commissioning of mutually complementary infrastructure components: the domestic transmission network reinforcement through a new 400 kV Vulcanesti-Chisinau transmission line and extension/upgrade of two existing associate substations.
The objective of the Power System Development Project is to increase capacity and improve reliability of the power transmission system in Moldova.
The PSDP will support investments aimed at the construction of the 400 kV Vulcanesti-Chisinau overhead transmission line, extension/upgrade of two existing substations, strengthening power dispatch and metering system of the SE Moldelectrica. For the latter, the Project will particularly support the upgrade of ME’s MMS; construction of a new headquarters (HQ) building for ME to accommodate the new Central Dispatch Center (CDC); and consulting services for development of technical specifications for MMS. These systems will be compliant with the latest requirements of European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity (ENTSO-E) and technologically ready for the electricity market operations.
The procurement of new MMS and pertinent Consulting Services is financed by the World Bank Group and is expected to include the major components listed below:
1) Core Metering functionality including multi-protocol data collection from meters, data exchange with other companies, data processing, validation, and data storage;
2) Data analysis, including calculation of total technical losses and losses in corona;
3) Metering asset management, maintenance, replacement, testing, and repair;
4) Calculation of grid efficiency;
5) Calculation of commercial and energy balances for the whole company, for company’s branches and divisions, for generating stations and units, for transmission power interchanges with neighboring utilities, and for distribution network partners and other market participants;
6) User friendly interface for displaying metering data for viewing and analyzing stored data with the capability of managing user access to the metering information;
7) Import and export of metering data for data exchange with partners.
Moldova Energy Projects Implementation Unit (MEPIU, hereinafter the “Client”), acting on behalf of the final beneficiary SE Moldelectrica (hereinafter the “Beneficiary”) intends to recruit a consulting firm for the preparation of procurement documents for the procurement of MMS system.
In these Terms of Reference (ToR), the term “Consultant” will be used to refer to the consulting firm providing the services to MEPIU and the term “Activity” will refer to MMS Contract activities. The Consultant will be responsible for analyzing the current and future needs of MMS software, preparation of the complete Request for Proposals package for MMS/Information Systems Design, Supply and Installation, based on the latest version of Bank SPD for Information Systems (Request for Proposals Single Stage
July 2023) and provide support in the proposals’ evaluation process.
B. Objectives of the Consultancy Services
The objectives of the consultancy services are to prepare the Procurement documents and provide support for proposals evaluation for the upgrade of Moldelectrica’s Meter Management System.
C. Scope of the Services
The following outlines the main tasks for Consultant’s services:
1. The Client intends to engage a consulting firm to prepare the complete Procurement documents for the package – upgrade of the Meter Management System and provide support for proposals evaluation.
2. In order to determine the functional requirements for procurement documents, the Consultant shall first prepare an Inception Report with a summary of the Moldelectrica’s current needs for transmission system operations.
3. Based on the needs analysis in the Inception Report, the Consultant will develop technical specification and all associated procurement documentation for conducting competitive procurement for the upgraded Metering Management System according to the Standard Procurement Document (SPD) for Information Systems (IS) (Design, Supply and Installation), prepared for use in contracts financed by the World Bank. The Consultant will visit SE Moldelectrica in Chisinau, Republic of Moldova in order to perform data collection, presentation of findings, discussion of procurement documentation, and support Supplier selection process.
D. Reporting Requirements
1. Within thirty (30) calendar days from the effective contract date, the Consultant shall prepare and submit for the MEPIU/ME’s approval an Inception Report to describe a vision of the new functionality, hardware and software, including the outline of requirements for providing a comprehensive MMS solution. The Inception Report shall include:
a. Needs analysis for the proposed activities, including technical and financial assessment.
b. Summarize findings and recommendations including the following items related to MMS:
i. description of all required components
ii. compatibility criteria of MMS
iii. application interfaces and integration requirements for MMS
iv. future development of MMS and analysis of alternatives for MMS replacement and possible expansion.
v. needs for installation of additional meters
vi. changes required for the existing metering code
vii. data exchange requirements for MMS
viii. telecommunications requirements for MMS
ix. applicable IEC standards for MMS and software/hardware infrastructure
x. data validation and processing for MMS
xi. applicable ENTSO-E requirements
2. Within four (4) calendar months from the effective contract date, the Consultant shall prepare and submit for MEPIU/ME’s approval the Draft procurement documentation for MMS. The draft procurement document shall be coordinated with the WB experts.
3. The technical specification of the MMS procurement documents will rely on the European standards and focus on specific functional and operational requirements of Moldelectrica. The specification shall describe detailed software functionality for all Metering components outlined in Section A - Background, applicable standards, hardware platforms, communication protocols, system sizing and performance, outline of activity schedule and milestones, activity implementation responsibilities, activity reporting procedures, software/hardware testing and acceptance criteria, vendor support and maintenance requirements.
4. The procurement documentation shall include training for all delivered functionality and components of the system. Training shall be provided to Moldelectrica personnel with competency and institutional capacity to operate and maintain the new system.
5. The Consultant shall incorporate Moldelectrica/MEPIU/World Bank’s comments into the Draft procurement documentation and then shall develop the final documents, which shall include (but not be limited to) the following:
a. description of the work required and expected outcome;
b. design and functionality criteria document for the work to be proposed including applicable standards to be used for this activity, as well as specific information that the Consultant will need for proposal preparation and final designs;
c. drawings and schematics for proposal preparation where applicable;
d. detailed technical specifications with related design standards and sizing taking into account envisaged expansion of the transmission system;
e. general terms and conditions;
f. special terms and conditions;
g. instructions to proposers;
h. proposer Qualifications forms;
i. proposal Forms;
j. proposal arrangements;
k. required securities;
l. proposals evaluation and qualification criteria.
6. Procurement documentation shall be prepared in accordance with the World Bank Procurement Regulations for Investment Project Financing (IPF) Borrowers: Goods, Works, Non-Consulting and Consulting Services, dated July 2016, revised November 2017 and August 2018. The selection method used for this assignment shall be Request for Proposals and the standard procurement document which will be used for procurement of the systems is RFB – Information Systems - Design, Supply and Installation (one envelope procurement procedure, without prequalification). Consultant shall work in close cooperation with the staff of Moldelectrica and MEPIU to produce the quality procurement documents to fully encompass all technical, financial and training requirements of the company for future sustainable operations.
7. The Consultant shall ensure that the technical specifications and procurement document:
a. are in line with international best practice and international standards whilst meeting relevant Moldovan regulations and as far as possible give all Proposers equal opportunity to prepare a competitive proposal;
b. reflect the requirements of Moldelectrica;
c. are realistic and affordable given the cost estimates including projected operating and maintenance (“O&M”) costs.
8. The Consultant shall prepare first draft of the procurement document and work with Moldelectrica and MEPIU on the finalization of the procurement documentation. The Consultant will be expected to incorporate all comments, amendments required by the Client in order to give its “no objection”.
9. All compliant proposals as determined by MEPIU/ME shall be reviewed by the Consultant. Compliance with design, specifications, contract conditions and schedule shall be examined. Proposals determined by the Client to be “not compliant” should be examined to ascertain the reason or reasons for rejection from full evaluation in strict accordance with the Procurement Regulations and procurement documents requirements.
10. The Consultant shall provide support to MEPIU/Moldelectrica in evaluation process:
a. Supporting the Client in preparation of clarifications requests on the technical aspects to received Proposals;
b. Providing support in answering all queries and complaints that are received within the procurement process;
c. Providing support during any meetings with potential bidders;
d. Preparing his own proposals evaluation report.
11. Reports, specification, procurement document, schedules, and other documents must be provided in the English language in two (2) hard copies and in editable format (Word, Excel, as applicable). The Inception Report and the Technical specification for the procurement package shall be translated in the Romanian language and presented in two (2) hard copies and in editable format (Word, Excel).
12. The Consultant shall include in its proposal at least three (3) site visits to the Republic of Moldova.
E. Deliverables
In line with the scope of services and reporting described above, the following deliverables shall be produced by the Consultant:
a. Inception Report with needs analysis and required Contract components for MMS – within 30 (thirty) calendar days from effective contract date;
b. Draft Procurement document, approved by the Client (ME/MEPIU and coordinated with the WB) for MMS – within 4 (four) calendar months from effective contract date;
c. Final Procurement document approved by the Client/Beneficiary for MMS – within 10 (ten) business days from receipt of the Client’s comments to the draft document;
d. Consultant’s report on evaluation of proposals for MMS, acceptable to the Client/Beneficiary.
F. Profile of the Consultant and Qualification Requirements for the Key Experts
The Consultant shall meet the following minimum qualifying criteria to be eligible for award of the contract:
1. General Experience under contracts in consultancy services in electricity transmission sector for at least ten (10) years prior to the applications submission deadline.
2. Specific Experience:
a. Demonstrate the Consultant’s work experience in the last ten (10) years on at least three (3) contracts of similar nature and complexity for development of technical specification and support bids/proposals evaluation for MMS. The Consultant needs to provide evidence of high-level expertise on the following aspects of MMS:
(i) MMS integration and application interfaces with SCADA
(ii) Validation and processing of metering data
(iii) Implementation of new MMS or replacement/upgrade of Metering System
(iv) Metering standards
(v) Telecommunications for MMS
(vi) Data exchange for MMS
(vii) Preparation of functional requirements for MMS
b. Experience in MMS system integration in major electrical utilities, or transmission services operators, or reliability coordinators would be an advantage.
c. The Consultant team shall comprise (but not necessarily be limited to) the following key personnel:
(i) MMS Expert(s) with at least ten (10) years’ experience in the MMS Systems. Metering Expert to have completed preparation of at least three (3) Metering Procurement documents and participated in at least two (2) Metering project/contracts implementation. The expert shall hold at least bachelor’s degree in electrical or telecommunication engineering or equivalent.
(ii) Procurement Expert with at least seven (7) years of experience in International Financial Institution (IFI) projects. The expert shall hold master’s degree and be fluent in English.
G. Duration of the Assignment
The task is expected to start in first semester of 2024. The expected duration of the assignment is about 6 (six) months including approval of deliverables and making the final payment to the Consultant. The Consultant shall provide a lump-sum proposal.
H. Project location
While the Contract can be performed remotely, the Consultant shall visit Moldova to execute this activity, including site inspections and data collection (mandatorily required).
Appendix 1 - Acronyms
ENTSO-E | European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity (ENTSO-e) |
IEC | International Electrotechnical Commission |
IPF | Investment Project Financing |
ME | State Enterprise “Moldelectrica” |
MEPIU | Moldova Energy Projects Implementation Unit |
Procurement Regulations | World Bank Procurement Regulations for Investment Project Financing (IPF) Borrowers: Goods, Works, Non-Consulting and Consulting Services, dated July 2016, revised November 2017 and August 2018 |
RTU | Remote Terminal Unit |
ToR | Terms of Reference |
MMS | Meter Management System |
Request for Bids
Design, Supply and Installation
(Without Prequalification)
Employer: Moldova Energy Projects Implementation Unit
Project: Moldova Power System Development Project
Contract title: Extension of 400 kV Vulcanesti Substation
Country: Republic of Moldova
Credit No.: 6380-MD
RFB No: 6380-A3
Issued on: August 14. 2023
1. The Republic of Moldova has received financing from the World Bank toward the cost of the Moldova Power System Development Project (Project), and intends to apply part of the proceeds toward payments under the Contract for Extension of 400 kV Vulcanesti Substation For this contract, the Borrower shall process the payments using the Direct Payment disbursement method, as defined in the World Bank’s Disbursement Guidelines for Investment Project Financing, except for those payments, which the contract provides to be made through letter of credit.
2. The Moldova Energy Projects Implementation Unit (MEPIU) now invites sealed Bids from eligible Bidders for Plant Design Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning for Extension of 400 kV Vulcanesti Substation. The existing Vulcanesti substation includes circuits at voltage levels of 400 kV, 110 kV and 35 kV. The Substation extension is necessary to accommodate the new 400 kV OHTL to be constructed within the Project. To allow the connection of the new 400 kV OHTL to Vulcanesti SS, it is necessary to install fully equipped and integrated facilities that are ready for operation, including (but not limited to)
— one new 400kV bay for OHTL Chisinau, including interfaces related to telecommunication, protection and control.
— two new 38.5/0.4 kV 1000 kVA auxiliary transformers, including associated primary electrical equipment.
The construction period is estimated to 18 months from the contract signing.
3. Bidding will be conducted through international competitive procurement using a Request for Bids (RFB) as specified in the World Bank’s “Procurement Regulations for IPF Borrowers” dated July 2016, revised November 2017 and August 2018 (“Procurement Regulations”), and is open to all eligible Bidders as defined in the Procurement Regulations.
4. Interested eligible Bidders may obtain further information from MEPIU and inspect the bidding document during the office hours from 09:00 to 17:00 local time at the address given below.
5. The bidding document in the English language may be purchased by interested eligible Bidders upon the submission of a written application to the address below and upon payment of a nonrefundable fee of Moldovan Lei 2,500.00 (two thousand five hundred MDL, 00 bani), in the case of collection from the MEPIU office at the address stated below, or EUR 250.00 (two hundred fifty Euro, 00 eurocents) net of bank charges, in the case of courier delivery, or EUR 50.00 (fifty Euro, 00 eurocents) net of bank charges, in the case of distribution electronically. A Proof of payment, in form of a SWIFT payment confirmation, shall be presented physically or through email, for delivery of the Bidding Document. The method of payment in both cases, will be by bank transfer to one of the accounts listed below:
For Moldovan Lei: Beneficiary: MF- TR Chisinau - bugetul de stat UCIPE Fiscal Code: 1023601000072 Beneficiary Bank: Ministerul Finantelor – Trezoreria de stat IBAN: MD44TRPIAA145150E16649AA SWIFT Code: TREZMD2X |
For Euro: Beneficiary: MF – TR Chisinau – bugetul de stat UCIPE Beneficiary Bank: National Bank of Moldova, Chisinau, Moldova Republic Of Fiscal Code: 1023601000072 IBAN: MD28NBPBFR145150E16649AA SWIFT Code: NBMDMD2X Intermediary bank: De Nederlandsche Bank N.V., Amsterdam, Netherlands IBAN: NL90FLOR0600126226 SWIFT Code: FLORNL2ACAC |
6. Bids must be delivered to the address below on or before 10:00 a.m. local time, October 24, 2023. Electronic bidding will not be permitted. Late Bids will be rejected. Bids will be publicly opened in the presence of the Bidders’ designated representatives and anyone who chooses to attend at the address below on 10:00a.m. local time, October 24, 2023.
7. All Bids must be accompanied by a Bid Security of EUR 60,000.00 (sixty thousand Euro, 00 eurocents).
8. Attention is drawn to the Procurement Regulations requiring the Borrower to disclose information on the successful bidder’s beneficial ownership, as part of the Contract Award Notice, using the Beneficial Ownership Disclosure Form as included in the bidding document.
9. The address referred to above is :
To: Moldova Energy Projects Implementation Unit
Power System Development Project
Attn: Mr. Ruslan Surugiu, Interim Director
Address: 1, Alecu Russo Street, Block A1
Floor/ Office number: Sixteenth (16th) floor, office 163
City: Chisinau
ZIP/Postal Code: MD-2068
Country: Republic of Moldova
Tel. /Fax: (+373 22) 49 67 90
Country: Republic of Moldova
Project: Power System Development Project
Credits Nos.: 6380-MD and 6381-MD
Assignment Title: Consulting services for performing the survey to measure the satisfaction of the community members with social engagement process under the Project
Reference No. (as per Procurement Plan): RFP no. 6380-A15
Market approach: Open / National
The Republic of Moldova has received financing from the World Bank towards the cost of the Power System Development Project (PSDP), and intends to apply part of the proceeds for consulting services.
The consulting services (“the Services”) include carrying out a three-stage survey to determine the level of community satisfaction on the engagement process in the Project implemented by Moldova Energy Projects Implementation Unit (MEPIU). To this end, as part of the assignment, the Consultant shall elaborate a questionnaire that will cover project activities and all social engagement activities performed by the MEPIU and other stakeholders to attenuate the social impact of the Project based on information provided in the SEP.
During the preparation stage of the Project, a Stakeholder Engagement Plan (SEP) has been developed and revised at the detailed design stage, in compliance with WB’s Operational Policies and best international practice, in order to enhance public information and stakeholder engagement procedures. The SEP provides the methodology for stakeholder identification and analysis; stakeholders engagement; disclosure of information; consultation with stakeholders; addressing and responding to grievances; and reporting to stakeholders through the project life cycle including pre-construction, construction, operational, decommissioning, closure and reinstatement/restoration.
The immediate objectives of the survey and the analysis based on its outputs, will be as follows:
• to find out the perception of residents/members from the Project affected communities regarding MEPIU and other stakeholder’s performed engagement activities;
• to assess respondents’ awareness level, understanding and general attitude towards the implementation of the Project;
• to compare the results of surveys conducted before, during and after construction works and estimate the benefits to users that were received as a result of Project implementation.
The tentative timeframes when surveys will be carried out during the main phases of Project implementation are:
I. Survey #1 - Before the commencement of the construction works/design stage – February 2023;
II. Survey #2 - During the construction works – tentatively February 2024;
III. Survey #3 – At the completion of the construction works – tentatively May/June 2025.
The survey questionnaire should include, but not limited to, three sets of questions on:
a) general satisfaction with the quality of social engagement process;
b) degree of communities’ members awareness regarding the Project implementation;
c) suggestions for the improvement of engagement activities, including public consultations to be conducted by MEPIU.
The results of the surveys will be reported to the World Bank as Intermediate Results Indicator for improving the engagement and communication activities to be performed during the Project implementation.
The detailed Terms of Reference (TOR) for the assignment can be found at the following websites: and, or can be requested at the e-mail given below.
The Moldova Energy Projects Implementation Unit now invites eligible consulting firms (“Consultants”) to indicate their interest in providing the Services. Interested Consultants should provide information demonstrating that they have the required qualifications and relevant experience to perform the Services.
The shortlisting criteria are:
• General experience as a research company and in-house research capacity for at least ten (10) years prior to the applications submission deadline.
• Specific experience in conducting social surveys, focus-group discussions, in-depth interviews for at least seven (7) years prior to the applications submission deadline.
• Proven experience in evaluating the impact of public awareness and consultation campaigns, project impacts, customer satisfaction, during the last 5 years.
• The Consultants should demonstrate availability of the key experts for the performance of the services described in the TOR. Note: Key Experts will not be evaluated at the shortlisting stage.
The attention of interested Consultants is drawn to Section III, paragraphs, 3.14, 3.16, and 3.17 of the World Bank’s “Procurement Regulations for IPF Borrowers” July 2016, revised November 2017 and August 2018 (“Procurement Regulations”), setting forth the World Bank’s policy on conflict of interest.
Consultants may associate with other firms to enhance their qualifications, but should indicate clearly whether the association is in the form of a joint venture and/or a sub-consultancy. In the case of a joint venture, all the partners in the joint venture shall be jointly and severally liable for the entire contract, if selected.
A Consultant will be selected in accordance with the Selection Based on the Consultants’ Qualification (CQS) method set out in the Procurement Regulations.
Further information can be obtained at the address below during office hours 9:00 to 17:00 local time in the Republic of Moldova.
Expressions of interest must be delivered in a written form to the address below (in person, or by mail or by e-mail) by COB on December 09, 2022.
Contact address:
Moldova Energy Projects Implementation Unit (MEPIU)
Attn.: Aurelia Samson, MEPIU Director
1, Alecu Russo Street, Block A1
Floor/Room number: sixteenth (16th) floor, office 163
Chisinau, MD-2068, Republic of Moldova
Tel./Fax: (+373 22) 49 67 90
E-mail:, web page:
Country: Republic of Moldova
Project: Power System Development Project
Credits Nos.: 6380-MD and 6381-MD
Assignment Title: Consulting Services for development of Technical Specifications and support during bids evaluation for SCADA/EMS and MMS
Reference No. (as per Procurement Plan): RFP no. 6380-A8
The Republic of Moldova has received financing from the World Bank toward the cost of the Power System Development Project (PSDP), and intends to apply part of the proceeds for consulting services.
The consulting services (“the Services”) include the preparation of Bidding Documents and provision of support for bids evaluation for upgrade of Moldelectrica’s SCADA/EMS and MMS system to the Client (MEPIU) and the State Enterprise Moldelectrica (Beneficiary), which is the National Transmission System Operator. The Contract is expected to be signed in March 2022. The period of execution of the contract is estimated up to 18 months (estimated period for the preparation of the draft Bidding Documents – up to 5 months from effective contract date).
The detailed Terms of Reference (TOR) for the assignment can be found at the following websites: and, or can be obtained at the e-mail given below.
The Moldova Energy Projects Implementation Unit (MEPIU) now invites eligible consulting firms (“Consultants”) to indicate their interest in providing the Services. Interested Consultants should provide information demonstrating that they have the required qualifications and relevant experience to perform the Services. The shortlisting criteria are: (i) General Experience under contracts in consultancy services on electricity transmission sector for at least ten (10) years prior to the applications submission deadline; (ii) specific work experience in the last ten (10) years on at least three (3) contracts of similar nature and complexity for development of technical specification for SCADA/EMS and MMS; (iii) demonstrate knowledge and practical experience related to international procurement practices and bid evaluation of SCADA/EMS and MMS assignments.
Key Experts will not be evaluated at the shortlisting stage.
The attention of interested Consultants is drawn to Section III, paragraphs, 3.14, 3.16, and 3.17 of the World Bank’s “Procurement Regulations for IPF Borrowers” July 2016, revised November 2017 and August 2018 (“Procurement Regulations”), setting forth the World Bank’s policy on conflict of interest.
Consultants may associate with other firms to enhance their qualifications, but should indicate clearly whether the association is in the form of a joint venture and/or a sub-consultancy. In the case of a joint venture, all the partners in the joint venture shall be jointly and severally liable for the entire contract, if selected.
A Consultant will be selected in accordance with the Quality and Cost-based Selection method set out in the Procurement Regulations.
Further information can be obtained at the address below during office hours 8:30 to 17:30 local time in the Republic of Moldova.
Expressions of interest must be delivered in a written form to the address below (in person, or by mail, or by e-mail) by January 24, 2021, 17:30 local time.
Moldova Energy Projects Implementation Unit
Attn.: Aurelia Samson, MEPIU Director
1, Alecu Russo Street, Block A1
Floor/Room number: sixteenth (16th) floor, office 163
Chişinău, MD-2068, Republic of Moldova
Tel./Fax: (+373 22) 49 67 90
Contract Award Notice
Project Name: Power System Development Project (PSDP)
Country: Republic of Moldova
Credits Number: 6380-MD, 6381-MD
Selection method: QCBS
Procurement Package: RFP no. 6380-A7
Scope of Contract: | Consulting Services of Technical Supervision of design and construction of a new 400 kV Vulcanesti - Chisinau Single-Circuit Overhead Transmission Line and extension and upgrade of 2 Substations | Minimum Qualifying Technical Score: | 70 |
Consultants’ names | Consortium Colenco Ltd. Skopje with UTA | ELC Electroconsult S.A. | GOPA-International Energy Consultants GmbH (intec) | Power Grid Corporation of India LTD | Tractebel Engineering GmbH with sub-consultants Tractebel Engineering S.A. (RO) and Progress Energy SRL (MD) |
Country | Macedonia, United Kingdom | Italy | Germany | India | Germany |
Status: | Evaluated Consultant | Evaluated Consultant | &Evaluated Consultant | Awarded Consultant | Evaluated Consultant |
Technical Score | 84.25 | 87.29 | 88.60 | 84.26 | 87.48 |
Financial Score | 60.32 | 38.02 | 57.11 | 100 | 74.07 |
Combined Score | 79.46 | 77.44 | 82.30 | 87.41 | 84.80 |
Criteria | |||||
Specific Experience | 9.00 | 9.20 | 9.60 | 9.00 | 9.20 |
Work Plan & Methodology | 17.20 | 17.40 | 18.40 | 18.00 | 17.80 |
Key Experts | 53.65 | 54.93 | 56.20 | 52.41 | 54.84 |
Training | 4.40 | 4.60 | 4.40 | 3.40 | 4.00 |
Local input | 0.00 | 1.16 | 0.00 | 1.45 | 1.64 |
Price as read out | 3,200,030.00 Eur | 4,272,137.00 Eur | 3,415,482.50 Eur | 2,266,749.60 USD | 2,632,950 Eur |
Final Evaluation Price | 3,233,030.00 Eur | 5,129,770.00 Eur | 3,414,875.00 Eur | 2,266,749.60 USD | 2,632,950 Eur |
Final Negotiated Price | n.a. | n.a. | n.a. | Phase 1: 2,205,709.60 USD and Phase 2: 61,040.00 USD | n.a. |
Rank | 4 | 5 | 3 | 1 | 2 |
Other Shortlisted Consultant(s)/Firm(s):
Consultants’ names | Energoprojekt Entel | Consortium RTE International and ESB International | Joint Venture SOFRECO and DECON International GmbH |
Country | Serbia | France, Ireland | France, Germany |
Proposal Submitted: | No | No | No |
Project Name: Power System Development Project (PSDP)
Employer: Moldova Energy Project Implementation Unit (MEPIU)
Country: Republic of Moldova
Project Number / Credits nos.: P160829 / 6380-MD and 6381-MD
Bid/Contract Reference No: 6380-A2
Selection method: Request for Bids / Plant
Scope of Contract: Upgrade of 330 kV Chisinau Substation (Plant Design, Supply & Installation)
Duration of Contract: 32 months from effective date of the contract
Evaluation Currency: Euro
Awarded Bidder:
Name: Association Siemens Energy SRL, Electromontaj S.A and Energotech S.A.
Address: Bucharest, Romania
Bid price at bid opening: Euro 11,883,842.98
Evaluated Bid Price (in evaluation currency): Euro 13,859,753.38
Contract Price (in evaluation currency): Euro 11,883,842.98
Evaluated Bidders:
Name: Corporation of industrial and commercial enterprises “SOYUZ”
Address: Odessa, Ukraine
Bid price at bid opening: Euro 14,798,670.00
Evaluated bid price (in evaluation currency): Euro 16,740,174.00
Name: Consortium “Azenco OJSC & Harbin Electric International Co., LTD”
Address: Baku, Azerbaijan
Bid price at bid opening: Euro 12,665,929.50
Evaluated bid price (in evaluation currency): Euro 14,919,548.70
Name: ASPMK-519 LLP
Address: Almaty, Kazakhstan
Bid price at bid opening: Euro 11,777,013,51 – 200,000.00 (discount offered) = 11,577,013.51 Euro
Evaluated bid price (in evaluation currency): Euro 13,903,844.29
Name: KEC International LTD
Address: Mumbai, India
Bid price at bid opening: Euro 12,864,594.00 – 264,594.00 (discount offered)
= 12,600,000.00 Euro
Evaluated bid price (in evaluation currency): Euro 14,541,504.00
Rejected Bidders:
Address: Pingdingshan, Henan, People’s Republic of China
Bid price at bid opening: Euro 11,053,745.62
Reason(s) for rejection: Non Responsive
Address: Almaty, Kazakhstan
Bid price at bid opening: Euro 21,903,400.00
Reason(s) for rejection: Non Compliance
Name: Joint Venture Dongfang Electric International Corporation with Xian Electric Engineering Co., Ltd.
Address: Chengdu, Sichuan, People’s Republic of China
Bid price at bid opening: Euro 10,400,199.00
Reason(s) for rejection: Non Responsive
Project Name: Power Sector Development Project (PSDP)
Employer: Moldova Energy Project Implementation Unit (MEPIU)
Country: Republic of Moldova
Project Number / Credits nos.: P160829 / 6380-MD and 6381-MD
Bid/Contract Reference No: 6380/6381-A1
Selection method: Request for Bids / Plant
Scope of Contract: Construction of a new 400kV Vulcanesti – Chisinau Single-Circuit Overhead Transmission Line (Plant Design, Supply & Installation)
Duration of Contract: 42 months from effective date of the contract
Evaluation Currency: Euro
Awarded Bidder:
Name: KEC International Limited
Address: Mumbai, India
Bid price at bid opening: Euro 26,997,967.00
Evaluated Bid Price (in evaluation currency): Euro 26,997,967.00
Contract Price (in evaluation currency): Euro 26,997,967.00
Evaluated Bidders:
Name: Mitaș Energy and Metal Construction Inc.
Address: Ankara, Turkey
Bid price at bid opening: USD 31,585,027.46
Evaluated bid price (in evaluation currency): Euro 27,105,579.15
Name: Bozlar Yapi Enerji Muhendislik Insaat Taahhut Bilisim Sanayi ve Ticaret Limited Sirketi
Address: Ankara, Turkey
Bid price at bid opening: Euro 38,153,733.00
Evaluated bid price (in evaluation currency): Euro 38,153,733.00
Name: ȘA-RA Energy Construction Trade and Industry Co. Inc
Address: Ankara, Turkey
Bid price at bid opening: Euro 32,438,150.90
Evaluated bid price (in evaluation currency): Euro 32,438,150.90
Rejected Bidders:
Name: TBEA Co., LLP
Address: Beijing, Xinjiang, The People’s Republic of China
Bid price at bid opening: Euro 49,989,754.00
Reason(s) for rejection: Non Responsive
Address: Astana, Kazakhstan
Bid price at bid opening: Euro 51,588,641.46
Reason(s) for rejection: Non Responsive
Name: ASPMK-519 LLP
Address: Almaty, Kazakhstan
Bid price at bid opening: Euro 37,254,219.00
Reason(s) for rejection: Non Responsive
Name: JSC The Centre of Engineering and Management of Construction of the Unified Energy System
Address: Moscow, Russia
Bid price at bid opening: Euro 60,900,000.00
Reason(s) for rejection: Bid Security not provided
Name: Joint Venture “Electrica – Electromontaj”
Address: Bucharest, Romania
Bid price at bid opening: Euro 27,029,053.00
Reason(s) for rejection: Non Responsive
Name: KOC Construction Mekanik Ve Electrik A.S.
Address: Istanbul, Turkey
Bid price at bid opening: Euro 52,424,742.42
Reason(s) for rejection: Non Responsive
Ultima modificare: 05.06.2024